This has been an amazing week. Start with skate skiing at the local track, board a flight to Arizona and sneak in Mount Lemmon on Monday, arrive home at 2a on Friday, laundry, repack and out the door to accompany the girls to Ireland for the Irish Dance Championships.
Given that the Ritchey was still in the car, why not bring along the bike to the airport? Actually, it was a bit easier than that. I'm not exactly invited to the pre-competition practices (something about having a challenge keeping my incessant questions to myself). It's been made clear to me that insights on wigs, makeup, etc. aren't in my wheelhouse.
What's a guy to do? Sneak in a ride (hee, hee, hee). So headed out Sunday, Valentines Day afternoon for a ride down Lovers Lane.
I'd mistakenly thought that Ireland was flat to rolling. How wrong I was. As we pulled into the hotel in Killarney, that became abundantly clear (pic above). Staying literally across the street from the Killarney National Park and at the base of the Molls Gap -- I found a highly recommended route on over two gaps.
I don't think I've seen more amazing scenery on a ride and luckily had the video cam along. Apologies in advance for the ground shots (still getting the hang of climbing one-handed, dodging cars, potholes and shooting at the same time).
The ride turned into a bit of an adventure of navigation -- had no idea that I'd be riding a cartpath and leaning on a local shepherd for directions (queue the "Deliverance" theme).
On the way into the competition yesterday, another guy and I witnessed a very minor fender bender. Turns out that he was a cyclist and had been out the day before also -- riding the 107 mile Ring of Kerry. He gave me about a half dozen hard sportive style ride suggestions. Guys -- a trip over here to ride is definitely in order!
Perfect Etape substitution and or Training!
PS -- the competition was also amazing and our girl did us Very proudly!