Friday, July 16, 2010

Etape du Tour - Day Three -- Variety Day

Today was a great mix of random experiences. Started with picking Eric up from the airport, heading into Pau for a great lunch (omelette smothered in dijon mustard -- I'm telling you, it may not sound good, but it's awesome).

Then to registration to pick up our race numbers -- delayed 45 minutes waiting for the army paratroopers (insert your favorite WW2 jokes here). No idea what paratroooper's have to do with cycling...

Then a short ride today (yes, behaving ourselves). Climbed 10 miles, then descended. Went to Laurent Fignon's shop here -- amazing collection of trophies.

Dinner and then a very random experience that has me laughing on the way to bed tonight. It's captured in the video here:

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,
    This is Natalia and Bill Gormley friends of Eric. Just got back from the Triple Bypass in Colorado (very windy and wet this year!!!) Have a fantastic race, it seems like you guys are enjoying every bit of everything as it should be!

    Best of luck. N&B
