Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gressoney Ski Day One -- Slick!

Breathtaking scenery, majestic mountains and WARM.  After record snow in the early winter, we were psyched to make our way over here.  New England isn't alone with the 2012 weird winter -- it stopped snowing here on February 2 and hasn't snowed since in nearly a month.  The wind is blowing and if you're a skier you know no new snow+wind+warm+cold at night=boilerplate.

So, as grandpa used to say, "time to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" (for you non-rednecks, that means we're trying to make the best of it).

Andy, Erik, Jeff and Jon

So what to do while we wait for the snow to soften?  Cappuccino break, of course (or in Andy's case, Hot Cocoa / Chocolate Syrup).

Our guide Nigel is doing yoeman's work trying to find some good terrain.

Nigel's a Brit, spends time in Scotland and is apparently fond of Highland turf.  He managed to find some Scottish Highland turf skiing for us on the way down (click below):

The remnants stayed on my skis for the rest of the day:

It really steps up tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Scottish Turf skiing. I will pu that one on my bucket list

